Frequently Asked Questions
This Reclaiming Gathering, Compost Camp, is a few days of Reclaiming-style, earth-based spirituality, ritual and magic. At Compost Camp we will follow a spiritual Path Working or story which we call the arc of the Camp. All Campers, and especially newcomers, will be supported to participate in magic and ritual in the Reclaiming Tradition of Witchcraft. There will be an opportunity for Campers to contribute to the experience of the Gathering through volunteering to facilitate an Offering. Offerings can take any form you like: short workshops, rituals, circles of conversation on a favourite topic, Bardic offerings of song, chant, music, dance, creative expression, and other group experiences like a session of yoga, guided meditation, drumming or a walk in the beautiful grounds of the bushcamp. If you have a passion to share something, reclaiming or otherwise, please contact the Caretakers with your suggestion. Compost Camp may be a deeply moving, life changing experience.
Starhawk describes Reclaiming’s style of ritual as EIEIO — Ecstatic, Improvisational, Ensemble, Inspired, and Organic. Our practices are constantly growing, being “extended, refined, renewed and changed as the spirit moves us and need arises, rather than . . . learned and repeated in a formulaic manner.”
Basically, anybody can be a Witch. Of old, the word evokes the positive power of women and is used by all ages and genders, of various ancestry and backgrounds, disabled and neuro-diverse. In the Reclaiming Tradition we are reclaiming the identity of Witches as spiritual practitioners worthy of respect from community, consulted for advice about a wide range of human experiences. Reclaiming Witches believe in and practice self-awareness as well as magic, and strive to live in balance with Mother Nature. Some Witches have special knowledge about healing, altered states, creativity, ritual and magic. We are protectors of human life, and respect animals and plants: more "eco" than "ego". Some Witches may hold responsible positions within society (teachers, doctors, office workers, librarians, naturopaths) while others prefer to live their lives on the fringes, or even outside the norms of society. Not everyone at a Gathering calls themselves a Witch; other diverse ways of identifying include feminist, activist, magician, shaman, pagan, priestess, elder, meditator, wisdom-keeper, queer, and radical.
We welcome and respect complete beginners! It is common for a few people attending a Gathering to have never attended a Reclaiming Gathering before. We understand that beginners have little or no magical or ritual experience. We will do our best to explain most steps involved in each of our activities and circles and offerings. Everyone will be welcomed to participate to the best of their ability, share the joys, and the chores, and encouraged to support beginners with a non-judging and understanding attitude.
Reclaiming draws together and openly welcomes a wide range of approaches to earth-based spirituality, including activism, and people who practice or have their roots in other faiths and cultures. At a Gathering, we ask everyone to ensure the event remains drug and alcohol free and to abide by the Principles of Unity.
Reclaiming is a "community of people working to unify spirit and politics." It is a world wide organisation of many different cells, covens, groups, camps and solitary practitioners. "Our vision is rooted in the religion and magic of the Goddess, the Immanent Life Force. We see our work as teaching and making magic: the art of empowering ourselves and each other. We train our voices, bodies, energy, intuition, and minds. We use the skills we learn to deepen our strength, both as individuals and as community, to voice our concerns about the world in which we live, and bring to birth a vision of a new culture."
Starhawk, author of The Spiral Dance and many other books and resources relevant to Reclaiming Witchcraft, is a witch, writer, activist and psychologist, co-founder of Reclaiming community, along with others. Starhawk's latest work can be followed HERE especially her Earth Activist Trainings.
EarthSong Caretakers and community tend to hold their camps in Victoria in spring. In 2023, Compost Camp will be from the afternoon of Friday 6th to the afternoon of Monday 9th of October. Please check the front page for updates.
The Camp is set in beautiful bushland near a river, and is an environmental bush camp approximately 60km east of Naarm/Melbourne VIC. The exact location of the Camp venue will not be posted publicly to safeguard privacy. The venue accommodates approximately 30 people in basic cabins and a similar number camping. More information will be available in your information pack, and please ask a Caretaker any further questions you might have about the venue.
For those who may drive there are sufficient parking spaces available at the venue. The nearest train station is Lilydale. We encourage you to carpool. Carpool and detailed location information will be sent after booking, and a carpooling link will be provided to arrange transport from the train station to the venue. If you need transport and are unable to find a carpool, please contact a Caretaker. We recommend that interstate campers who are flying in and out of Tullamarine airport book a flight arriving by 12pm and a return flight from 7pm onwards to allow for travel time from the venue.
Accommodation for campers is provided in small, rustic dorm cabins. Camping is also accommodated. To keep our environmental footprint low, cabins do not have electricity or lighting so please come prepared for that. The separate toilet and shower facilities are basic. There is very limited accommodation that may support people who require single accommodation for specific reasons, for example, if you need to sleep with a CPAP machine operating which may keep others awake in a dormitory. There is space for both vehicle and tent camping. All accommodation is included in the price.
The cost of the Gathering can be found under the “Prices and Payments” button on the Home page. We understand Camp is a financial commitment and we keep costs low where we can. Payment plans may be negotiated if absolutely necessary.
We have an online booking system. It takes only a few moments to fill in. Once your payment is received, we send out a receipt, and closer to the time of the Gathering we send out a comprehensive Information Pack to everyone who has booked, going into more detail about the practical aspects of Camp, including instructions on what to bring and how to get to the venue.
A common feature at Reclaiming camps is participating in an Affinity Group. We do not so much choose our Affintiy Group, but like the sorting hat in Harry Potter, the Affinity Spirits choose us through a random but magical process. In our Affinity Group we can debrief about our experiences of the Gathering and share with other campers who we may not have met before. As well as supporting each other on the Camp Compost journey, Affinity Groups help with the running of the camp "village" where all campers collaborate to help. Affinity Groups will be rostered to Elemental roles including such things as Earth witches food prep help, cleaning up after a meal, sweeping floors, Fire witches maintaining the fires and hot water heaters, Water witches maintaining tea/coffee areas), bathroom witches maintaining shower spaces, Spirit witches setup and maintenance of sacred spaces, maintaining the creative Commons, lending a listening ear to someone needing advice or just a debrief etc.
Due to fire regulations, a campfire may only be lit in the designated campfire area. Permission from the Camp Caretakers is required to light a fire, and Fire Witches will have plenty of guidance about their roles. Under no circumstances are standing trees or bushes to be used for firewood, or in any way interfered with. Fire restrictions apply.
Catering services will be provided by our hired caterer who specialises in food allergies, special diet needs and vegan/vegetarian options. Food is served in the dining hall. Protein options (ethically sourced) are provided, including eggs for breakfast. Please ensure when you book to disclose any food allergies/intolerances so the chef can accommodate you. Breakfasts, lunches and dinners are all provided. We will also have snacks and refreshments. If you are meat dependent please supplement your needs by bringing your own supplies. Vegan, gluten-free and most other dietary requirements are provided for. Please supply detailed information about your requirements in the relevant section of your booking form. We are happy to try and accommodate you if you have special dietary needs. The kitchen is unable to cook separate meals unless providing for the above listed dietary requirements. If your needs are highly individual you may want to consider bringing your own snacks etc. There is no need to bring your own cutlery or crockery as the dining hall has plenty.
Bathrooms are gender neutral unless otherwise specified. The campsite has pit toilets and basic shower facilities with central wood heating.
A complete list of recommended items to bring to Camp will be sent out in your Information Pack.
Camp is a strictly drug and alcohol-free event as they are inappropriate for this spiritual space. Please keep taking any prescription medications as usual.
Please be aware that some of our campers may be very allergic to products and scents so we ask that you consider bringing roll-on deodorants and insect repellents instead of sprays. No camper is permitted to bring pets or other animals onto the property, or to disturb the natural environment in any way. Trail bikes are also not permitted on the property.
Please communicate with us if you have specific needs due to a disability or for any other reason. Reclaiming events are known for their inclusive practices, particularly encouraging those who need to remain seated, known as the Chair Tribe, to take pride of place in the center of the energy and magic. Several chairs will be identified as available specifically for those that need it during activities.
The Camp is created for people from all walks of life with the unified intention of spiritual, magical and personal growth. We hope that all attendees will take this intention seriously and infuse it with joy, humour and grace. We strongly encourage a “live and let live” attitude.
That said, there are a small number of requests which we prefer to see. We ask that all participants honour these expectations:
- Food and drink may only be consumed in the dining room or outdoors.
- All buildings in the camp are smoke-free zones.
- There will be a designated area for smokers.
- Mobile phones will also not be commonly in use, and we have a designated area where they are to be used.
- We ask that everyone be considerate of our environment: no littering, not using standing trees or bushes for firewood or interfering with them in any way, recycling where possible and always showing respect for the earth.
- Compost Camp is a strictly drug and alcohol-free event.
Please make sure you read all information on Compost Camp website. In order to book, we ask that you read and agree to be guided by the Policies on this site.
Detailed information about the finer aspects of Camp will also be provided in your Information Pack. Please contact any of the Caretakers with any question you may have through the contact form(s) on the Website.