This Earthsong Community Gathering bears witness to the transformation of Earthsong Witchcamp

Group Agreements


Some Common Group Norms

Self-care, People-care: “You are your own spiritual authority, in community!” that goes for care for yourself and care for others. Please put yourself first and also respectfully move in and out of the space as you need to look after yourself and your energy, while not disrupting the circles, groups and rituals at camp.

Time: Out of respect for all we will start and finish on time according to the Camp Grid as best we can. If you are running late please just join in, respectfully.

Non-essentials: You may see others Twinkling – wriggling our fingers in the air as Sign Language for applause, a silent and respectful way to show support for what is being expressed. Also, saying “Check” after sharing signifies you are completely finished and not just in a thoughtful pause. Some people like to click their fingers if something really speaks to them instead of applause.


These guidelines are practices, not rules. We agree to the following shared intentions:

  1. Confidentiality: We agree to keep what others share confidential. If we want to talk about this camp with those who were not present, we can share our own personal experiences, but not those of other participants. Do not mention who is present at this camp without their permission.
  2. Using “I” statements: We agree to speak about our own experiences with respect and non-judgment. We cannot assume what another person is experiencing.
  3. Right to pass: We agree that everyone has the right to “pass”, that is, to remain in the circle but not participate in any activity, at any time. If you pass your turn, please stay present and in deep respectful witness of others who may still be deeply engaged in a process.
  4. Embracing imperfection: We agree that none of us is perfect, that we all make mistakes, and that we are all here with a common intention and purpose.
  5. Good Intentions and Acknowledging impact: Thinking the best of each other. We are all dealing with life, we trust that we are all doing the best that we can when we come to this work. We assume everyone has good intentions here, AND it is important to acknowledge the impact our words and actions have on others. We listen with all our attention to each sharing. If it is brought to our attention that we have had a negative impact on someone, we agree to apologise sincerely without reservations.
  6. Move up, move back: We agree to be respectful of others’ needs around time and communication, and take up less or more space and time as befits a non-hierarchical and balanced circle of equals.
  7. Heart-centred: We agree to share from the heart, and listen with our hearts. Be spontaneous, trusting what comes, rather than what one thinks should be said. When listening, listen from the heart, without analyzing, agreeing or disagreeing; when speaking, speak from the heart, naming what is alive right now. Be lean of expression, going to the essence of what needs to be spoken.