EarthSong is changing…
Many of you would already be familiar with EarthSong WitchCamp. This Gathering is not a WitchCamp intensive, though some elements will seem similar. Compost Camp welcomes families. Children must be accompanied by their parents or guardians at all times.
With love and respect, the Caretakers of EarthSong invite Reclaiming Witches and friends to gather in a magical sacred space. We will reflect upon our EarthSong journey, invite in the composting process to transform old forms and release energy, enabling new and renewing ways to emerge.
Like EarthSong WitchCamp, this Gathering will be “grounded in earth-based spirituality that includes trance work, healing, drumming, dancing, chanting, storytelling, energy work and celebration!” Unlike at a WitchCamp where most of the input and content of the event is provided by a team of teachers, at Compost Camp what happens will be largely determined by those who attend.
EarthSong Caretakers have engaged a wonderful professional chef, Ashley Mariani, who will prepare all our meals, including breakfast, lunch, dinner, deserts and snacks. All food will be vegetarian, and special dietary needs will be taken into consideration. There will be tea and coffee available at all times in the dining room. You are also welcome to bring your own favourite extras and snacks.
Those people used to high protein diets may wish to bring protein snacks.
There is more information about the rustic Venue to be shared over coming weeks. Guidelines about traveling to and from camp, and a carpooling online support link, will be provided closer to the dates of camp for those who have booked.
For those who have made a booking to attend camp, a more detailed Information Pack will be sent out. The Informaton Pack is loaded with guidelines about the rustic Venue and beautiful surroundings of the Bush Camp (basically come prepared for camping-like conditions, even though you might book a bed in a cabin).
We will deepen into a Pathworking (magical processes, meditations and inner work) inspired by the Compost Pentacle, an insightful five-fold personal and collective working through the five stations (or points):
harvest, sorting, balancing, patience, turning, and harvest.
Deep Ecology and Joanna Macy’s “The Work that Reconnects” will support our spiritual work with the Spiral sequence:
Affirmation: coming from gratitude
Despair work: honouring our deepest feelings
The shift: seeing with new eyes
Going forth: gifts that shape our lives and our community.
Throughout the Gathering, we will encourage building a sustainable way of being together through self care, community care, and earth care guided by the three Permaculture Principles:
Earth Care – rebuild natural capital
People Care – look after self, kin, and community
Fair Share – set limits and share surplus
For example: there will be a Camp Grid/Timetable
to aid community care through the common flow of our interactions, particularly meal times,
we will also encourage you to come and go according to your personal needs and the natural rhythms of self care.
We invite all campers to participate, so bring what you want to release for transformation in the compost heap –
your personal stories,
witchcraft experiences,
ways of being with and on this land – so that we might all find release through the magic we create. (More on this to come.)
We encourage anyone who would like to offer a workshop, short ritual or other experience to speak with the Offerings Caretaker, Margi on
This Camp welcomes families, so children accompanied by their parents/guardians are welcome to join in our activities. While we hope for a village atmosphere, your children will be your responsibility. There will be no specific child-centered events, so please keep that in mind as you make your plans.
The Pandemic has kept the community apart for several years now. Ironically, the Pandemic has also shown us how interconnected we really are. With supportive conversations, nurturing spaces, great food, and the magic of spirit and ritual we will celebrate the wholeness of our EarthSong community.
Caretakers want to assure you that the only thing that might cause Compost Camp to be cancelled is if all the Caretakers fall ill at the same time, which is very unlikely. Of course, fees that are refundable will be refunded, so do not be deterred from booking because of Covid. Please do not attend if you are unwell. Ideally, we would have everyone take a RAT (Rapid Antigen Test) before you arrive at camp. People are welcome to pop on a mask at any stage during the camp.
As we open to and acknowledge our interconnection, we invite what is unfamiliar or unknown into our midst.
What will emerge from this sacred intention?
Whatever emerges, it will be magical!
There will be space and time on the Grid for whole-camp gathering. Dubbed “the Recaliming Commons”, Caretakers (and others who wish to help facilitate) will hold space for community conversations about EarthSong, Reclaiming Witchcraft and other themes that emerge. Why are we gathering? What matters to us as a community? What do we want to cultivate together? What questions are arising? What wisdom might we share?
Space and time will be made available during the day for community-led Offerings. Singing, dancing, drumming, chanting, moving together, are all integral parts of EarthSong magic. If you have a passion to share something of the Craft with other Witches this is the perfect opportunity. We particularly love co-created, original creative pieces, so team up with one or two others to make your Offering if you can. For info and guidelines about bringing an Offering please contact Margi on
What’s a Pagan Gathering without a Bardic Circle, so come prepared to join in something Bardic: a story, a song, a poem, a joke, a creative inspiration!
We encourage everyone to participate in the evening Rituals that will be particularly designed to involve the whole camp. There will be plenty of roles to fill, and we will invite everyone who wants a role to step up.
Those who make a Booking to attend will receive an invitation to join a Ritual Cell (planning group) that will meet online in the weeks leading up to camp. The Ritual Cell will collaborate and conspire and plan the three evening Rituals (this is sometimes called the Ritual Arc). We strive to ensure there is plenty of opportunity to empower all campers to co-create the experience. So stay tuned for further announcements. In the wisdom of Reclaiming Priestessing, “the Ritual is the one that happens on the night!”, “Something will happen!” So if this interests you, stay tuned. The Caretakers will make further announcements in coming months.
Pauline is available to answer your general questions about the venue, catering, and other practical aspects of the camp, on
Bookings close on the Dark Moon, Friday September 15th, 2023. Deb (Plex) is looking forward to receiving your booking asap via the Online Booking Form