This Earthsong Community Gathering bears witness to the transformation of Earthsong Witchcamp

About Reclaiming

Reclaiming Witchcraft has been woven together from three or four main spiritual inspirations and paths, the Feminist-centered Goddess movement, Celtic Wicca, the Anderson Feri Tradition and psychology. There are other influences that have woven paths alongside the development of Reclaiming, like Deep Ecology and Social Permaculture, the LGBTQAI+ and Anti-racist movements. The following is a brief overview of our current Reclaiming ways adapted from the book “Reclaiming Witchcraft” by Irisanya Moon (US based Reclaiming witch, priestess and teacher).

The story of Reclaiming is still emerging. We are a living, growing, ecstatic, and learning tradition. There is no formal membership. We develop our practice and sense of belonging by going to small groups, classes and camps, attending and planning rituals, and sitting in meeting after meeting. Bonds deepen as we get involved in the collective and take on roles in no particular order as:

  • participant
  • initiate
  • ritual planner
  • cell member
  • organiser
  • workshop presenter,
  • teacher
  • healer
  • priestess
  • facilitator or team leader
  • initiator and mentor

and we become more aware of our personal and collective strengths and growing edges… in a community made up of “perfectly imperfect humans”.

We foster leadership in everyone, striving to critique how best to empower one another, resisting old hierarchical power-over habits. We work hard to better understand ourselves and become more resilient in the ever-shifting landscape of power and magic… committed to dismantling structures of oppression, both those outside and inside our bodies, minds and spirits.

Things to know about Reclaiming right now

Our public gatherings, rituals and classes are clean and sober. We seek to change our consciousness at will, so we need the fullness of our will at all times. This does not mean that all Reclaiming Witches are in recovery or are clean and sober. We strive to support our beloveds in recovery by making our gatherings, rituals and classes free from intoxicants.

We maintain confidentiality. We do not share stories or pictures of others unless we have their express permission to do so. Not everyone is out of the broom closet, not do they want their information shared in public.

We are an ecstatic and participatory tradition. We seek to have embodied magickal experiences that are not focused on a high priestess/priest/priestex model. While there may be ritual leaders, everyone is encouraged to participate at the level that feels good to them. We are sensitive to the needs of those more introverted by nature and you are always free to pass on any activity or bear witness by sitting out an activity while being equally respectful and mindful of those deeply engaging in the process.

We strive to make all events accessible. Accessibility is important to us. Where we need to charge a fee, we offer a range of rates based on ability to pay. We may offer energy exchange opportunities or scholarships. If there are issues with physical access, we are eager to learn how we can help support as many people as possible, knowing there are budget/site limitations in some cases.

We seek to remember that we are all doing our best. We can meet each other where we are, without trying to change or fix each other. WE also hold each other accountable for our actions – and their impact, no matter the intention.
