This Earthsong Community Gathering bears witness to the transformation of Earthsong Witchcamp

Anti-Racist Practises

Compost Camp affirms its commitment to recognising, addressing, and eradicating all forms of racism and ethnic oppression. We commit to engaging community both within and outside Camp in an effort to advance collaborative service and learning spaces that combat oppression and bias. The Camp seeks to empower our community members toward the goal of ending racial and ethnic discrimination.

We recognise that statements can be meaningful but committed, consistent, and on-going action are the only tools that lead to positive change.

Collectively, we recognise that regardless of one’s own race or ethnicity, each of us as individuals is at a different point in the journey to become anti-racist.

We understand that racism is the combination of both social and systemic forces that converge and yield disparate outcomes for BIPOC communities. As a growing community, we will purposefully strive to identify, discuss, and challenge issues that prevent us from becoming an anti-racist and ethnically unbiased community.


  • Acknowledging that racism is a societal and global problem that requires continuous education.
  • Acknowledging that racism is embedded into our societal structures, policies, and systems and we must examine these structures utilising an anti-racist lens.
  • Seek out and listen to our BIPOC people’s views to understand their experiences at Camp.
  • Invest resources to develop, organise, and support Camp initiatives that foster anti-racism.

We recognise that confronting and combating racism is life-long work.

As a community, we must be vigilant in our learning, listening, and action to advance change.

We pledge to fight racism, discrimination, and other forms of prejudice and injustice with the goal of making our Camp more inclusive, welcoming, safer and an environment where every member of our community, regardless of race, sex, gender, or socio-economic status, can thrive.

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