(as amended for Compost Camp, 2023)
In this document we outline information and procedures relevant to maintaining your physical and emotional wellbeing, and resources for self-care, while at camp. We also outline behaviours that are not welcome at this event, describe our complaint process, and define consequences of actions that violate our Code of Conduct.
Earthsong embraces the ideals of Personal Responsibility, and Self-care. We also do everything we can to ensure a comfortable environment that is conducive to appropriate self-care. While at camp you are responsible for your own physical and emotional wellbeing, and we encourage you to do what you need to in order to stay healthy in body and mind.
There is no doctor on the premises. In the unlikely event that you suffer a serious injury or illness you will most likely need to go off site for treatment. Those instances are rare, however, and most needs can be met with onsite support from health care volunteers. Throughout camp they keep track of our first-aid kit and make sure it’s stocked, they disseminate relevant safety information, and they act as the go-to person for any minor injuries that may occur on site, or as someone to check-in with. If you need an ear to listen, or need to enlist further support please speak to a friend or an Affinity group member for emotional support. Seeking out the support of others can be an act of strength as well as effective self-care.
First-aid Kit
The first-aid kit will be easily accessible for all campers. This kit is stocked with basic supplies for the treatment of various injuries and/or illnesses. These supplies are available to anyone who needs them. All we ask is that the kit itself remains so that the whole camp has access to it. Please do not take it back to your tent or bunk – it becomes inaccessible to the next person who may need it. If you take an item from the kit, please return it once you are finished. If you notice that the kit is running low on a particular item (like Band-aids or Panadol) please let a Caretaker know.
Viruses, like Covid, Gastro and Flu are highly contagious and can spread very easily at a group gathering like this one. Good hygiene is the single most effective way to prevent infection. Please help us keep everyone healthy by washing your hands often —and more so if you find yourself feeling unwell. Feel free to pop on a mask if you find you need to.
The weather in October can be variable, even in one day. While we can’t predict what it will be like, there will probably be at least one very sunny day. We encourage you to take care of your skin by applying sunscreen daily. It is also helpful to carry a wide-brimmed hat or parasol with you to provide shade.
Even if you don’t feel thirsty, your body probably is, especially if the weather has been hot. Carry a water bottle with you at all times to stay hydrated, and re-fill it at every meal.
Heat Stroke
Along with drinking plenty of water to stay hydrated, and wearing sunblock, be aware of how much time you are spending in the sun. Heat stroke is unlikely, but possible. If you start to feel light headed, dizzy, faint, or nauseous, find shade immediately and sit down. Drink water and let someone know how you feel. If you are especially overheated, a cooling (not cold) shower may help.
Inclement Weather
For those who are camping, use a ground cloth, and stake your tent down well. This will help keep you dry in a downpour, and keep high winds from taking your home on a journey downwind in a storm. If your tent is flooded or collapses in inclement weather, grab your necessities and take shelter in an indoor area. Let a Caretaker know about your situation.
When wandering around the camp keep to the paths where possible.
Swimming in the River
If you enter the river, you do so at your own risk. You may wish to wear water shoes or sandals to protect against slippery and/or sharp rocks. Do not dive into the water. Be aware that there are creatures such as fish and yabbies in the river; you may even be lucky enough to see a platypus and if so we ask that you be respectful. If you decide to walk along or swim in the river alone, please let someone at camp know of your plans.
The Land/Falls/Uneven Terrain
Be mindful of your step when moving around camp, as the paths are unsealed, and we recommend wearing shoes particularly when walking on the land. Take particular care in wet weather of any slippery terrain and areas around camp.
If mosquitoes bother you it can be helpful to wear insect repellent. Please keep in mind that some people are sensitive to chemicals and/or smells. Be polite and apply repellent at least 3 meters from others.
We share the land with various creatures, and we want to make sure we do not adversely affect them with our presence. Snakes, spiders, wallabies, kangaroos, wombats and possums may be encountered at Camp. Most spiders are harmless but Red Back Spiders can give you a painful bite which can cause severe discomfort. These black spiders are easily identified as having a red spot/stripe on their bodies. Snakes would rather disappear than engage with you. Let a Caretaker know if and where you encounter a snake or spider. If you are lucky enough to encounter any of our unique wildlife (wallabies, wombats etc) or any of the amazing birdlife at camp – enjoy.
Making Offerings and Altars
The landscape is delicate. Please do not strip the plants of their flowers and seed pods. Where possible use leaves, bark and flowers the plants have finished with. That is, don’t pick flowers, seeds and leaves from living plants for your offerings.
We strive to make our EarthSong Community a loving, supportive environment. If you feel that conditions are causing undue emotional stress, please talk with one of the Caretakers. We are here to support and promote love and respect throughout our community.
Compost Camp is not designed to push your growing edges though you may discover new strengths and new insights. In the EarthSong community we acknowledge that sometimes great things start out as a challenge, and every opportunity for growth comes with the risk of emotional stress. We encourage you to be gentle with yourself during camp. Seek out a buddy or someone from your Affinity Group for support. The Caretakers are also available to help identify resources for emotional support.
Emotional Stress
- Excessive fatigue, more than you would expect given the hectic and busy nature of camp
- Increased irritability, more than usual
- Difficulty sleeping or sleeping more than usual
- The urge to withdraw and isolate emotionally
- Difficulty concentrating or making decisions
- Forgetting more than usual
- Worsening of chronic medical conditions
- Increased frequency of minor physical symptoms, such as headaches or stomach aches
Tips for dealing with emotional stress
- Be sure to get the rest that you need (you may need to skip that juicy Offering to take care of yourself instead)
- Journal and explore your feelings through expression
- Describe what you’re feeling using images and sounds
- Ask yourself how your feelings now may be connected to other times in your life
- Congratulate yourself on how much you’ve grown and changed
- Talk with a friend
- Eat well
- Go for walks on the land or by the river (remember don’t wander away from the site)
- Ask for help processing your thoughts and feelings
- Meditate
- Maintain your normal spiritual practice (or start a new practice!)
- Sing, sing with others, bang a drum, dance alone and with others, create something!
- Dance
Personal Responsibility
We foster community spirit in many ways: through the process of setting up camp, getting to know each other, creating sacred space, and remaining in that space for the duration of camp; building a safe and secure magical container to hold our work is essential. And the best way to build a secure container is to use strong materials. Therefore, we ask you to help fill this sacred space we create with the strongest materials we have:
- Respect
- Compassion
- Patience
- Understanding and
- Love
We ask you to help us do this by attending camp in a spirit of tolerance, and above all, acceptance.
Earthsong community attracts, embraces, and celebrates diversity. You’re likely to meet people whose spiritual tradition, national origin, race, age, sexual orientation, ability, gender identity, economic situation, and lifestyle differ greatly from your own. We challenge you to think well of others no matter the differences that may exist between you. By attending an Earthsong Gathering you agree to abide by the Code of Conduct detailed in the following section of the Safer Space Policy (amended specifically for this Gathering).
Australian Reclaiming witches reserve the right to eject, and/or ban from future events, any individual found to be in violation of this code. If, at any point during camp an individual, a group, or a situation, makes you feel uncomfortable, please speak to a Caretaker, or other supportive person. We cannot address an issue unless we know it exists. Please, reach out! Likewise, Earthsong Caretakers encourage you to speak out in support of others if you ever witness unacceptable behaviour. Let’s all set healthy boundaries, think well of others, take care of ourselves, and hold each other with respect and compassion. If you feel the need to file a formal complaint, please follow the complaint process outlined in this document.
Compost Camp is an EarthSong Gathering, part of Australian Reclaiming Community, and so requires that there be no drugs or alcohol present. We particularly prefer this because of the altered states brought on by the natural magical practices followed within Reclaiming Witchcraft. Please respect this by adhering to our alcohol and drug-free policy throughout camp. If you take prescription medicine, please continue to do so.
We may use art, music, mythology, trance states, meditation and ritual to stir us and open us to spiritual states. We do this to move energy and make room for the transformation of our personal lives that may lead to effective cultural change.
If you choose to participate, you do so of your own free will and accord, knowingly and voluntarily, assuming all risks associated with such activities. Please consult your physician, mental health professional or therapist to determine if magic and ritual would be activities in support of your continued health.
While some activities and spiritual experiences may result in therapeutic benefits, it is not therapy and is no substitute for therapy, medication or medical attention. We reserve the right to refuse attendance to anyone.
our collective journey toward personal accountability and social revolution
We acknowledge that we live in a culture steeped in ambient racism, sexism, trans/homophobia, and myriad other forms of oppression. We acknowledge that all forms of oppression are interlinked and that we have all been deeply affected by our society’s social programming. Behaviour is learned, and we recognize how difficult the work of shifting learned behaviour can be. As we take on the difficult work of shedding our prejudices and our personal privilege, there will be times when we stuff it up. We will relapse into old habits and familiar responses.
If it is wanted or welcome, it is not an infringement. Intimate, sexual expression is a natural part of community life and is welcome with enthusiastic consent. Australian Reclaiming Community does not tolerate any form of sexual misbehaviour and will act to either educate, or to bar violators from its events.
We strongly promote the principles of enthusiastic consent. By that we mean: “While consent is about saying “yes”, enthusiastic consent focuses on the enthusiasm of the “yes”. More than just being granted permission to engage in romantic and sexual activity, enthusiastic consent, as the name suggests, seeks others’ enthusiastic agreement to be intimate.”
EarthSong does not expect you to be perfect, only that you
- commit to continuing the shedding process in all its complexity and with all its challenges
- commit to examining your responses
- to having difficult conversations
- to engage in our cultural shadows with the knowledge that this work is an act of social justice
If someone finds something you do or say offensive and communicates that to you, please
- consider the validity of that person’s lived experience
- take the time to look within and consider whether you may be struggling to recognize or overcome a learned behaviour or social programming
If someone says or does something that you find triggering or offensive, or that is related to this culture’s legacy of fear and oppression, we encourage you to speak up.
We also encourage you to bear in mind that hearing difficult feedback can be a painful process.
If you choose to offer constructive feedback, please do so with compassion.
Our intention is that you be empowered to take whatever action is appropriate for you in this, our collective journey toward personal accountability and social revolution; and that you do so in a way that allows for the complex journeys of those who travel alongside you.
By following this Code of Conduct you help us to create the kind of community we’d all love to be a part of. Thank you.
This Safer Spaces Policy and the complaints process is intended to address unwelcome and inappropriate behaviour at our camp, particularly that which falls outside of the law. Harassment and assault, including sexual assault, are illegal and obviously unwelcome behaviours and will not be tolerated at our camp.
Caretakers are not equipped or empowered to conduct legal investigations of such matters and we fully support victims of a crime to engage the appropriate authorities such as police. The following behaviours are considered inappropriate and unacceptable at Compost Camp.
Sexual Misconduct
Unwelcome or unwanted assault may include:
- harassment
- lewd comments
- sharing or taking of photographs of a sexual/private nature
- physical contact/groping
- invasion of personal space
- and any ongoing sexual pursuit or harassing flirtation
- sexual assault and rape
- stalking
- violation of restraining orders
- drugging victims with the intent of taking advantage of their incapacitation
If a behaviour makes a person uncomfortable and the antagonist has been asked to stop, it is an infringement regardless of actual physical harm. If it is wanted or welcome, it is not an infringement. Australian Reclaiming Community does not tolerate any form of sexual misbehaviour and will act to either educate, or to bar violators from its events. Again, we strongly encourage the principles of enthusiastic consent.
“No” means no
“Umm” means no
“Not right now” means no
“I’m not sure” means no
“I’m uncomfortable” means no
“Yes!” and “Oh my god yes” means yes
A Reclaiming vision and goal is to create a culture in which everyone can freely engage in expression of their bodies and sexuality; a culture in which everyone is confident in expressing their boundaries and speaking up when uncomfortable; and a culture in which everyone is respectful of the boundaries expressed by others. If you are ever unsure whether your behaviour is welcome, ask.
Physical, mental/emotional abuse
This includes
- physical assault
- threats of bodily injury
- non-consensual rough play
- forcing a person into any physical situation against their will through use of force or threats
- mental/emotional intimidation
- harassment
- bullying
- personal insults specifically designed to make the target feel ill at ease, angry, or sad
The express exclusion of certain people from participating in any camp activity (offerings, affinity groups, rituals, etc.) based on
- gender or sex
- sexual orientation
- race
- belief system
- age
- political affiliation
The Caretakers are committed to maintaining camp as a safer space, and responding proactively to all complaints is a part of that.
If someone is violating the Code of Conduct, or making you feel uncomfortable in some way, a Caretaker needs to know so that we can act, even if that action is just to listen. If an incident does occur, and either you or the individual to whom you report the issue, feel that it is problematic enough, they may record a formal complaint.
Complaints will be kept confidential.
Confidentiality means that relevant information will only be disclosed to those involved in the investigation and any decision-making process as determined by the Caretakers.
Both complainants and respondents have the right to ask that a member of the community be appointed to act as an advocate on their behalf. An advocate’s responsibility is to safeguard the interests of the person who has requested their assistance. An advocate is empowered to speak on that person’s behalf and may provide emotional support when appropriate.
All formal complaints will be recorded in an area away from others in order to provide privacy and maintain confidentiality. A Caretaker will record your complaint including the following details:
- Name of the complainant
- Name of person against whom complaint is being filed
- Complete description of inappropriate behaviour with full situational context
- Location, date and time of incident
- Names of anyone who may have witnessed the incident
- Any physical evidence of incident or complainant.
Both the Caretaker and the complainant will sign the complaint. The person against whom the complaint is filed has a right to know what is in the complaint.
No Victim-blaming
If the complaint involves inappropriate sexual behaviour, the Caretaker will ask whether the aggressor was asked to stop the behaviour and whether they sought and respected enthusiastic consent.
This does not reflect on the credibility of the complainant; we will not engage in victim blaming. Our intent in asking this is to discern whether the aggressor was told that their behaviour was unwanted and unwelcome, so that we know whether further education is required.
Some people may be unaware of social cues for a variety of reasons (e.g. neurological illness, etc.) or believe ‘anything goes’; at a Pagan event.
Therefore, we encourage you to communicate when someone is crossing your boundaries, when you are able to do so. Compost Camp supports a policy of enthusiastic consent, expecting that clear consent is actively sought and confirmed as enthusiastically given before sexual behaviour with another person, and that consent can be withdrawn at any point and this will be honoured. Particularly, if the aggressor was aware, or was told, that their behaviour was unwanted and unwelcome or consent was not sought, then it is sexual misconduct (as described above) and should be filed as a formal complaint.
Our goal in establishing a formal Complaint Process is to ensure Reclaiming in Australia can remove persons of concern from our events. It is not our place to judge anyone, or declare them innocent or guilty. But whether we continue to include a person after reported instances of misconduct and allow them access to our events, putting our participant’s safety in jeopardy, is another matter.
It bears repeating that we will not take any action based on rumour or gossip, but only on actual first-hand reports of misbehaviour.
Complaint Assessment and Action Process
After a formal complaint has been filed, it will be processed in the following manner:
- The Caretakers are empowered to assess all complaints.
- Any witnesses to the incident named by the complainant will be sought out for input.
- The Caretakers will ask for the side of the story from the individual against whom a complaint has been filed (the Respondent), whether their behaviour was deemed inappropriate or unwelcome,
If, after assessing the complaint, the Caretakers believe that the complaint represents an actual breach of the Code of Conduct:
- They will determine whether it is the first complaint made against this individual, or whether there have been previous related complaints.
- They will assess the level of risk to determine if the individual should be immediately ejected from camp, or if the behaviour is able to be resolved to the satisfaction of all parties at that time.
THEN, if the incident is determined to be a minor infraction,
- The Caretakers are empowered to speak with the individual against whom a complaint has been filed (in complete confidentiality) and assess whether the person can learn from the situation.
- The Respondent may be asked to read the definitions of unwelcome behaviour as detailed in our Code of Conduct above.
- The Caretakers will inform the Respondent that their behaviour will be monitored and that further violations may lead to ejection from the camp and/or being barred from future events.
OR, in cases where ejection from camp is a possibility
(ie, the behaviour is determined to be a clear violation of our Code of Conduct, represented serious threat of physical/mental harm, has recurred in several independent complaints, is confirmed by witnesses, admitted by the perpetrator, etc.)
- The Caretakers and possibly other representatives from EarthSong community will gather and will then use Consensus Process to make that decision.
- If those that gather decide to eject an individual from camp, the individual will be asked to leave immediately.
- This decision will be recorded in our records.
- Following the event, the Caretakers will discuss whether the individual will be welcome at future events.
- Other Reclaiming Witchcraft communities in Australia may be notified.